World Impact Bible Institute (WIBI) empowers and equips believers to fulfill God’s plan for their lives. Students come from a wide range of backgrounds, all with the common purpose of discovering Jesus in a deeper way and to be a part of God’s purpose for their lives.

Students you can partner with
Group #1 – Students in Indonesia

Adisa Halawa

Budianto Suprapto

Eva Ritha G.S.

Iriani Wilil

Misliana Br Sembiring

Samuel Valei Hiel Hariawang

Albina Lase

Charlison Purba

Grace Rumahlewang

Jimmy D.E Napitupulu

Oskar Janry Nainggolan

Sariono Sitanggang

Alexander Matondang

Haposan Simangunsong

Joseph Sembiring

Prismo Hottua Sinaga

Yoel Evantri Panjaitan

Darnaria Ismawati Marpaung

Anju Nababan

Debora Aurelia Hale

Hendry Willy Purba

Rina Yosephine O.N

Reynaldo Junior Bolang

Aprisman Ndraha

Delpi Simanjuntak

Ibu Yola

Lidia Purba

Karlos Plaiker Simanjuntak

Ayu Agnes Monica

Intan Sri Angelina

Merry Valencia

Ronak Bivak

Dikha Pranatalia Situmorang

Click on the Donate button below to support a student from one of the pictures above.
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!
Group #2 – Students in Myanmar

Kway Lin, San San Htay


Lung Sai Aung

Gye Chone

Phyoe Myat (Orphan)

Eaimu Myint Myat

Lum Jume

Kyuat Yaung

Pan Yoon

Htoo Sai (Orphan)

April Moe

Chae Naung

Hai Dan

Saw Bawer

Nann Shinmin Thant

Khin Lar Oo

Ei Dou

Ah See

Khain Zin Win

Naw Misan

Popu Akam



Myint Moe

Khain Lar Oo

Ah Wu Mee


Chome Shon


Click on the Donate button below to support a student from one of the pictures above.
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!
Group #3 – Students in Kenya

Beninah Nakhumicha Sitti

Damaris Muthoni Wang’ombe

Eric Karambizi

Grace Wangari Githungo

Jerusha Waitherero Wambui

Mary Wanjiru Ndirangu

Peter Mwangi Ndiritu

Shikiro Manzi Fred

Zipporah Waithira Njami

Brian Otieno Ochieng

David Mose

Eric Ntungani Lokile

Harold Madafu Magovi

Joseph Gathege Munyoroku

Maureen Akinyi Ooko

Purity Wamaitha Boaz

Simon Gichohi Mwangi

Byinshi Christian

Dennis Makau Musyoka

Fidelis Nyambura Irungu

Hildegarde W. Ogada

Joseph Muisyo Nduva

Nathan Lwitikio Mwakabana

Ruhimbika Mbonyingabo Emmanuel

Stephen Ndegwa Mwangi

Calvin Oluoch Obura

Douglas Ngui Munyamai

George Otieno Mwamba

Ida Nyambura

Lilian Akoth Otieno

Nkundabantu Faustin

Rukiriza Muhire Justin

Susan Wanjiru Kamuti

Caroline Wambui Mwangi

Edward Thumbi Muiruri

Gideon Kalali Kasivu

Jane Nyambura Magara

Lynette Akinyi Otieno

Noah Okello Osigo

Samson A. Ondere

Thomas Oriwa Gogo

Charles Otieno Gaya

Enock Otieno Nyang’ango

Grace Njoki Mbuthia

Jane Wangui Munyaka

Martin Oduor Omolo

Nzabinesha Joseph

Sematungo Amiel

Virginia Muthoni Mugai

Click on the Donate button below to support a student from one of the pictures above.
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!
Contact our Office with any questions. Thanks!