Unique Ministry Practices

Unreached People Groups
World Impact Ministries prioritizes Friendship Festivals in regions with un-reached people groups.
Solid Gospel Proclamation
Peter Youngren‘s preaching is focused on God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ; the cross, the resurrection, and Jesus’ present day ministry through the Holy Spirit.

Miracle Evidence
No matter the city, night after night, thousands gather on stadium grounds to hear the good news of the Gospel. As a result, multitudes respond to receive Christ and are healed.
Outreach to Political Leaders
Friendship Dinners are conducted before each Gospel Festival where key political leaders, mayors, governors, prime ministers, presidents, and military commanders are reached. This brings maximum as Pastor Peter shares the Gospel and answers questions.

Outreach to leaders of other religions
Friendship Dinners also bring leaders of all religions together as Peter shares the Gospel and answers questions.
Training of Pastors & Leaders
Every Gospel Festival conducted by WIM is accompanied by a 3-day Gospel Revolution Seminar. Over 374,000 pastors and leaders have been trained already. Often the pastors have not had the opportunity to attend formal schooling, and they are desperately in need of equipping for ministry.

A welcoming approach towards all people
The Gospel is presented uncompromisingly, but in an attitude of friendship. The fundamental doctrines of Christ are shared in a way that can be understood cross-culturally and in spite of religious background.
WIM has given out more than 17 million follow-up booklets to new believers. Often these booklets are taken hundreds of miles away, where they are shared with an entire village.

Contact Us
WIM, P.O. Box 62039 RPO Victoria Terr, North York, ON M4A 2W1 + 1.416.497.4940 Email: info@peteryoungren.org