
Arba Minch, Ethiopia

After an impromptu meeting with pastors and journalists at the airport, we were taken on a parade through town.

Friendship Dinner with reporters,Muslims, Christians and government officials.

1000 plus delegates participated in the Pastors Seminar. Pastor Shawn Annis is joining me to teach. Our focus is to see a gospel revolution starting with pastors.

The Pastors Seminar continues

Another festival night in Arba Minch,Ethiopia

While large gatherings are banned in almost all neighbouring countries, we continue the gospel campaign in Arba Minch, Ethiopia.

We had a large morning meeting. People didn’t mind standing in the scorching sun. Look at the photos.

Another great night in Ethiopia.

Tumour, size of a large fist, instantly vanished.

Another tumour instantly vanished.

I’m so grateful for what God did in Arba Minch, Ethiopia. Especially as many are Muslims in that city.

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