Great Wealth Transfer
An ancient prophecy foretells an unprecedented global event. In his book, Great Wealth Transfer, Dr. Peter Youngren unveils the hidden gems of this prophecy. There are two kinds of wealth: people and finances. By far the greatest is people. People are always more valuable than things. Jesus said that even one person is worth the wealth of the universe. And this wealth – people – will experience an unprecedented transfer from spiritual darkness to the light of Jesus Christ. There is also a lesser wealth – finances. The ancient prophecy speaks of the wealth of all nations reassigned for God’s purpose.
- Discover the profound meaning of this 2500 years old prophecy.
- Glean life-changing principles from 3 wealth transfers; 2 are past, and 1 is now.
- Learn 9 powerful benefits of the gospel.
- Learn how 1st century believers handled finances, and what it means today.
- Study the correlation between a global spiritual awakening and God’s abundance.
- Discover the power of the alignment, between God’s purposes and yours.