
Press release global mission center africa

World Impact Ministries (WIM) acquires property in Nairobi, Kenya to equip ministers from around the world to preach Christ’s kingdom and to fulfill the Great Commission.

WIM has acquired a property in the greater Nairobi area to host the 2-year World Impact Bible Institute- Kenya (WIBI) program, providing facilities for up to 400 students, and a 3 month Global Evangelism Institute (GEI) for students from around the world, including Europe, United States, Canada and Australia.


The purpose is: [1] to equip ministers to teach and preach the gospel of Christ and His kingdom, [2] to commission ministers to reach the unreached areas of northern Africa and of Africa’s coastline, and [3] to train students who have a call from God to evangelism and church planting.

Hands-on experience

Many WIBI graduates are pastors, bishops, evangelists, missionaries and Bible teachers, while others continue in marketplace ministry. GEI students will have the option of hands-on experience in evangelism by conducting Gospel outreaches in local churches, as well as outreaches in the less Christian areas. Naturally, these same opportunities are also available for WIBI students.

Local and International faculty

WIBI Kenya has a 15-year track record with gifted local teachers, who now will be joined by an international faculty from North America, Europe and Asia. These teachers bring a rich experience in evangelism, and a powerful life-changing revelation of the gospel of Christ.

The Kenya Institute will continue to work in cooperation with other WIBI campuses in Asia and Africa. Parallel with the school programs, WIM plans to launch a weekly ministry in the centre of Nairobi. WIBI studies at the new campus are expected to begin in August 2024, while the first GEI program will commence in October 2024.

Peter Youngren, the founder of WIM, who has a Doctorate of Biblical Studies, commented: “It is about the assignment that Christ gave to the church 2000 years ago. Students will be equipped with good academics, and they will also learn by hands-on experience in power evangelism.”

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