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God’s great love plan is for you and for the world – 7 billion people; we reach them one at a time
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God’s great love plan is for you and for the world – 7 billion people; we reach them one at a time
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About Peter
Peter Youngren is the Founder of World Impact Ministries, an international Christian organization with outreaches in more than 100 nations. His philosophy of ministry emphasizes the grace of God towards all people regardless of religion or culture. Youngren’s international events are called Friendship Festivals, with attendances normally ranging from 10,000 up to 600,000 in a single service. Since 1990 over 345,000 pastors and leaders have been trained through Youngren’s Leadership Seminars.

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Partnership is not a fund-raising idea… it is a “GOD IDEA.” It is much more than merely “supporting” or “contributing” to a ministry.
Grace Prayer Center
I heard Peter say “Rest in Jesus as you receive healing”. The word “rest” drew me in. I had been having chest pains, but when I focused on rest, I totally relaxed, and have not had any pain since. Thank you, Lord, and thank you, Peter Youngren, for those words of encouragement! Call 1-416-745-1820
Prayer Request

Contact Us
WIM, P.O. Box 62039 RPO Victoria Terr, North York, ON M4A 2W1 + 1.416.497.4940 Email: info@peteryoungren.org