Dear Friends,
We never make light of difficult times. A bad doctor’s report, a discouraging newscast or a catastrophic world event, such as the Covid-19 epidemic, can be a strong temptation to surrender to fear. Still, I am confident to declare:
Friends, there is a place of protection and freedom from fear for you!
The Bible calls it the secret place.
This is a place of rest, refreshing, provision and protection 24/7. This place of refuge, healing, safety and long life was not invented by a preacher or a human idea – it is a place that God has promised you:
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High
shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, [Ps 91:1].
God’s place of protection and provision is not something that we pray for, or that we wait for God to send. It is a place where you can “dwell” and “abide.”
There are four names of God in Psalm 91, and one of them is a hidden treasure:
• Elyon – Most High [verse 1].
• Shaddai – Almighty [verse 1].
• Yahweh Elohim – the Lord God [verse 2].
The fourth name for God is in verse 16: “With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.” In Hebrew the word “salvation” is Yeshua – the name of Jesus in Hebrew! And right in the middle of Psalm 91, we have the name of Jesus. My friend, I can only come to one conclusion:
Jesus Christ is the source of protection,
provision, healing and life!
Jesus Christ chose to suffer indignity and pain. He could have called for more than 12 legions of angels to protect him [Matthew 26:53], but instead he chose obedience to death, even the death of the cross.
Christ exchanged our sins for his righteousness, our curse for his blessing, and our darkness for his light, and:
Jesus accepted death and abuse that we
would enjoy protection and provision!
I often reflect on all the times that I have enjoyed God’s protection. In one large city, the Chief of Police told me that they had received 14 credible death threats against me, from different terror groups, all in a single week.
In another place, I vividly remember standing on the platform, with hand grenades exploding on both sides, as fanatic enemies of the gospel tried to kill me.
There have been times when I was forbidden from preaching, and as I did the very opposite of what I was told by the authorities, God protected me. Just like the apostles in the Book of Acts, I chose to obey God rather than men.
Friends, the idea that Christ protects and provides is not a theory to me; it is a blessed reality!
During this Covid-19 pandemic some preachers have proclaimed that because of their fasting and the power in their words the coronavirus will not touch them. We do not talk like that. Sadly, a couple of those who made such statement have suffered death themselves.
Friends, we do not make declarations of faith based on our faithfulness, our commitment, or our fasting and prayers. When I say that you have a secret place of protection and provision, it’s not based on any performance of ours; it is solely based on Jesus Christ and his faithfulness and provision.
Like Paul, we dare not say that anything is from ourself, but our sufficiency is from God, [see 2nd Corinthians 3:4-5]. The moment we try to stand in faith because of something we have done, we are bound to suffer disappointment. It reminds me of the song:
On Christ the solid rock I stand,
all other ground is sinking sand.
That’s it: Christ is the solid ground; He is your secret place. Abide in him!
Friends, There is so much more I wish to share with you. During this time of pandemic and lockdown, God has anointed me to speak powerful teachings about Christ’s finished work. I put four teachings in a CD album, What Christ’s Finished Work Means!
You will discover:
• How Christ’s sacrifice has therapeutic effects in your life.
• How to tap into resurrection power and life.
• How the Lord’s table [the communion] is a key to provision and protection.
• How to live in awareness of the indispensable Holy Spirit.
Please click here to ask for the album, What Christ’s Finished Work Means! I also ask you to give the most generous gift for the work of the Lord. Here is what’s happening now:
• In the last 3 months, we have reached more than 10 million people through social media outreaches in Chinese, Indonesian, Hindi, Swahili and many other languages. Help us reach 20 million in the next 60 days.
• Our social media campaign in Israel [in the Hebrew language] has just been launched. Many are responding. Thank you for your help!
• As soon as government restrictions are lifted we are ready to go. We’ve added four more for a total of 22 Gospel campaigns in the next 12 months.
• Our five Bible school campuses in Asia and Africa need our help.
In the world of agriculture, sowing always precedes reaping, and seed time comes before harvest. When you give (sow) into this gospel ministry, Jesus promised that your harvest will be maximum – 100 fold.
Sow your gift in faith, and expect a great harvest. Without your help the outreaches, the campaigns, the Bible school campuses, and the media ministry come to a halt. I need your help this month! Thank you!
Your co-worker in the gospel,

Peter Youngren