Dear Friends,
What is the next step of faith that God wants you to take? This is not the time to pull back …. but to look forward. There are steps of faith for us to take now!
I’m glad, Friends, to announce a historic opportunity to reach multiplied millions in the next 30 days. A DEEP, STRONG sense of urgency and DETERMINATION has gripped my heart. Our ministry is focused on a maximum harvest of souls. Let me explain:
The third largest language in the world is Hindi, spoken by 490 million individuals, primarily in India, but also in many other countries. In many of these areas less than one-tenth of 1% know the Gospel. Right now we can reach them.
In the next 30 days, we will conduct a Gospel campaign on Facebook Live in the Hindi language. That’s possible, because in India alone there are more than 250 million Facebook users. Maybe you wonder, “Peter, does this really work?”
Friends, we know it works because we already did it. Last January, before this pandemic, I followed the prompting of the Holy Spirit and broadcast 6 days of Gospel Campaign on Facebook Live in the Indonesian language. We reached over 1 million people, but that was just a small beginning.
We have a track record of reaching Hindi speaking people. Now, we will cast a Gospel net across this language group of 490 million individuals. Will you help?
The booklet, Jesus – Light of the World, will be available FREE in the Hindi language to all those who respond to know Christ. Based on our experience last January, for every $1 that we spend we will reach at least 10 people. That’s staggering! $100 will reach 1000 people, $1000 will reach 10,000, and so on.
Yes, we’ve all heard the deceptive voice that says; this is the time to sit back and do nothing. Instead, I am aware of the Holy Spirit’s urging: What is the next step of faith that God wants you to take?
Friends, I’m grateful that I don’t have to tackle this on my own. God has blessed our ministry with a few good folks (like yourself) who have cared enough in the past (with prayer and offerings) to help us advance the Gospel. I believe that the Holy Spirit is leading us now. Here is what I humbly ask you to do.
First, please continue your support in prayer and finances, as the Holy Spirit enables you. Thank you!
Second, whatever you can do extra, please do it this month. The international situation is unpredictable and volatile. We never know when this opportunity will be gone. All I know is that right now we can reach the Hindi speaking world.
Friends, it means more to me than maybe you will ever know that we have a few friends and partners (like you) who will hear the urgency of this call and who will respond. God bless you and thank you.
Your co-worker in the gospel,
Peter Youngren
P.S. I just recorded Own it! It’s Yours! This 2-part life-transforming teaching is yours on CD with your gift of any amount this month.