Dear Partner,
God believes in us and that’s number one. But everyone also needs a person to believe in them. At 19 years of age, a pastor three times my age, invited me for 15 days of meetings. He believed in me.
My first missions outreach years ago was to Trinidad. I needed $2,200 and I had no idea where the money would come from. A woman from a small Canadian town, Mrs. Barker, sent a cheque for the exact amount. She believed in me.
Partner, I believe in you! In fact, I wouldn’t send this to you, unless I believed that you cared about the gospel, about people, and about the Lord.
Look at the brochure! It’s about people, about believing in others, about equipping an army of believers to fulfill the Great Commission, to give the gospel to everyone. That’s why I ask God for $560,000. Here is what God has done:
When you give $100 it becomes $200, $1,000 becomes $2,000, $150 becomes $300, and so on. That’s why it is critical that you RECEIVE this and ACT in faith now. So much has happened this past month alone:
Tens of thousands received Christ during three historical campaigns in Indonesia, the world’s largest Muslim nation.
After launching World Impact Bible Institute in Burma this summer, we are now moving forward with another campus in Eastern Indonesia.
We have added two more Associate Ministers in Indonesia, who also will hold large-scale campaigns. Your giving makes it happen!
God has given us enormous favor, not only in Indonesia, but in nations around the world. I’m reminded of the words of Jesus: The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few, Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest, Matthew 9:37-38.
What Jesus said 2000 years ago is true now:
- We have an enormous favor with political leaders in many countries, and churches around the world are urging us to come – the harvest is great!
- We have a shortage of workers, but because of faithful partners, like you, we are able to change history. I say with Jesus – the laborers are few!
- Jesus said – pray – and the Lord is answering our prayers. Believers around the world, many of them willing to give their lives for the gospel, are coming to us for training.
Partner, you are an answer to prayer, because of your faith, your love and your giving. And remember God’s guarantee, that when you give generously, you will receive generously.
Jesus believed in the twelve apostles.
Paul believed in Timothy.
Elijah believed in Elisha.
Moses believed in Joshua.
Partner, will you stand with me to believe in others. I ask you to help reach this $280,000 challenge, and when we do that, the amount will be DOUBLED. Thank you for raising your level of faith.
Please take the enclosed response form and take action today.
Your co-worker,
Peter Youngren.