

Sorong, Indonesia Friendship Festival

The Pastors’ Seminar continues parallel with the Festival here in Eastern Indonesia.

Wonderful things are happening in eastern Indonesia. People from all backgrounds experience the reality of Jesus Christ for themselves.

Fantastic open doors for the Gospel in Indonesia. Many governmental leaders, including the Governor, as well Muslim, Hindu and Buddhist leaders have participated. Together, we share God’s love in Christ with everyone. Pastor Peter is scheduled to speak at an Islamic university and a Hindu temple later this week. Our festival just opened.

Another wonderful night at our Festival in Eastern Indonesia.

Great things are happening in eastern Indonesia. Thank you for your prayers and support.

The wonders keep happening. Thank you to all partners and friends who make it possible for us to keep touching the world with God’s love through Jesus.

Bago, Myanmar

Bago, Myanmar

Bago, Myanmar Gospel Festival

Salvation Prayer

Heaven on Earth watch this 1 minute and 9 second video from Bago Myanmar. Buddhist, Hindus and Muslims respond by the thousands to the gospel.

Round table discussion with journalists in Bago, all Buddhist.

Large representation of Buddhist,Hindu and Muslim leaders at Friendship Luncheon. I spoke about Jesus, the Light of the World.

Hindu leader who spoke at Friendship Luncheon brought his wife, 5 years paralyzed, and she was healed.

Another deaf boy healed together with his aunt (right).

Healed of deafness.

Deaf for 3 years.

Deaf ears opened.

Another deaf ear opened.

Mother explains now her daughter’s deaf ear opened.

Muslim man on the platform sharing God’s love.

Taina rejoicing Buddhist woman who was healed.

10 years totally deaf now healed.

Director of tourism of Bago.


Christ’s promise fulfilled: I’ve come to open blind eyes.


Joy and wonders in Myanmar

Gospel campaign continues. Thousands encounter the living Christ. Look at the photos.

We are making history. This has never happened before in Bago, Myanmar. Look at the photos.

We would be so grateful if you could help with this follow up by clicking:

Thank you for being a part of this.

Timika, Indonesia

Timika, Indonesia

Salvation Prayer in Timika

Look at this video, complimentary from a person who attended the meetings in Timika last week. Unfortunately, the pictures that the World Impact Ministries staff took were stolen. We are trying to find anything we can that documents what happened. I think that this video will show you that God did something really special in this eastern Indonesian city. Thanks for your support!

We received a beautiful reception at the airport. The vice-regent favored Peter with this traditional headdress, and a group of singers and dancers sang beautiful songs about the Lord Jesus Christ. 

VIP dinner with political and religious leaders.

Scenes from the Gospel Revolution Seminar for pastors and leaders.

In the midst of threats of riots and heavy rain, the festival has begun!

The Gospel Revolution Seminar for pastors and leaders continues to have a great impact.

Thousands are impacted by the Gospel. Countless were healed including the woman you see with the wheelchair. She was brought to the festival unable to walk and now she is pushing the young man in her chair, testifying how Jesus healed her!

Mwanza, Tanzania

Mwanza, Tanzania

Salvation Prayer in Mwanza

Watch and listen to hear what happened in Mwanza.

A warm welcome in Mwanza, Tanzania. The team was greeted by a press conference, a parade through the city and a VIP dinner with political and religious leaders.

The seminar for pastors and leaders.

Scenes from the first night in Mwanza.

The second night of the festival in Mwanza.

The festival continues in Mwanza.

Scenes from the seminar for pastors and leaders in Mwanza.

In spite of 5 hours of torrential rain leading up to service time, a great crowd filled the vast field. Muslim and Christian friends told their stories of what Christ did for them.

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