After 30 hours of travel, we were met at Jimma Airport. A little impromptu meeting right outside the terminal. Later it was time for Friendship Dinner with more than 30 Muslim leaders, some Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestants. We want everyone to discover Jesus.

Scenes from pastors and leaders seminar.

Some scenes from the first night.

Scenes from the pastors and leaders seminar.

From the second meeting at the stadium.

People streaming in for several hours.

Lots of security as just a few years ago Jimma was the scene for violence.

Everything behind the platform was packed with people in stands.

Jimma Gospel Festival

Jimma, Ethiopia
Friendship Festival with Peter Youngren

Nathan Thurber recently travelled to Jimma and Ziway, Ethiopia to prepare for Friendship Festivals to be conducted by Pastor Peter Youngren. He was received by religious and political leaders, including several Muslim leaders of those cities.
Jimma has a large Muslim population and has a history riddled with conflict. In 2006 and again in 2011, churches were burned with many converting to Islam. Since these traumatic events, there has been a sense of fear among Christians, and they are eager for Peter Youngren to come. Ziway, in central Ethiopia is predominantly orthodox, with a fast growing Muslim population.
“I was received warmly by local church leaders and have made substantial progress towards planning the upcoming festivals. A point for prayer is for the government to grant permission for the stadium as the strong Muslim presence has prevented Christians from holding large scale events for many years”, said Pastor Nathan.
Pastor Peter commented, “These campaigns happen because the partners care and give. We are co-workers with the Lord”.