Ziway, Ethiopia

Ziway, Ethiopia

Our first step in reaching a city. We can communicate with leaders of all religions, police and the mayor to create goodwill for the gospel.

The mayor of Ziway.

Muslim Sheik speaking.

Our Gospel Revolution Seminar for pastors is now in full swing in Ziway, with 650 delegates. We are helping them move from Sinai to Golgotha.

From the stadium in Jimma we have now moved to Ziway, 14 hours away into another stadium and tonight our gospel presentation began. This city is a mixture of Islam, Orthodox and Protestant. The light of the gospel is much needed.

Our singer leads the crowd in rejoicing at the end of the service.

There are two kinds of blindness, physical and spiritual. On the second night in the stadium in Ziway both kinds of darkness were dispelled. Here are some of the photos.

My job is to present the good news of Jesus Christ. His job is to confirm His gospel, and He never fails.

In the 4th rally in the stadium in Ziway, I turned the preaching over to my associate, Dean Morris. This is a part of our vision, and I hope that we will have up to 100 Apostolic evangelists, who are able to do what God has helped me to do in so many parts of the world. To find out more about the training for this, email ggi@peteryoungren.org. What a great breakthrough this service was.

One more night in the stadium. The rejoicing continued long into the night. Take a look at these photos.

Ziway, Ethiopa

Friendship Festival with Peter Youngren


Nathan Thurber recently travelled to Jimma and Ziway, Ethiopia to prepare for Friendship Festivals to be conducted by Pastor Peter Youngren. He was received by religious and political leaders, including several Muslim leaders of those cities.

Jimma has a large Muslim population and has a history riddled with conflict. In 2006 and again in 2011, churches were burned with many converting to Islam. Since these traumatic events, there has been a sense of fear among Christians, and they are eager for Peter Youngren to come. Ziway, in central Ethiopia is predominantly orthodox, with a fast growing Muslim population.

“I was received warmly by local church leaders and have made substantial progress towards planning the upcoming festivals. A point for prayer is for the government to grant permission for the stadium as the strong Muslim presence has prevented Christians from holding large scale events for many years”, said Pastor Nathan.

Pastor Peter commented, “These campaigns happen because the partners care and give. We are co-workers with the Lord”.

Jimma, Ethiopia

Jimma, Ethiopia

After 30 hours of travel, we were met at Jimma Airport. A little impromptu meeting right outside the terminal. Later it was time for Friendship Dinner with more than 30 Muslim leaders, some Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestants. We want everyone to discover Jesus.

Scenes from pastors and leaders seminar.

Some scenes from the first night.

Scenes from the pastors and leaders seminar.

From the second meeting at the stadium.

People streaming in for several hours.

Lots of security as just a few years ago Jimma was the scene for violence.

Everything behind the platform was packed with people in stands.

Jimma Gospel Festival 

Jimma, Ethiopia

Friendship Festival with Peter Youngren


Nathan Thurber recently travelled to Jimma and Ziway, Ethiopia to prepare for Friendship Festivals to be conducted by Pastor Peter Youngren. He was received by religious and political leaders, including several Muslim leaders of those cities.

Jimma has a large Muslim population and has a history riddled with conflict. In 2006 and again in 2011, churches were burned with many converting to Islam. Since these traumatic events, there has been a sense of fear among Christians, and they are eager for Peter Youngren to come. Ziway, in central Ethiopia is predominantly orthodox, with a fast growing Muslim population.

“I was received warmly by local church leaders and have made substantial progress towards planning the upcoming festivals. A point for prayer is for the government to grant permission for the stadium as the strong Muslim presence has prevented Christians from holding large scale events for many years”, said Pastor Nathan.

Pastor Peter commented, “These campaigns happen because the partners care and give. We are co-workers with the Lord”.

Taunggyi, Myanmar

Taunggyi, Myanmar

Take a look at the video. It is only 85 seconds, but it is sure to touch your heart. What’s amazing is that this happened in a city where there are so very few Christians. Almost everyone you see responding is either a Buddhist or a Muslim.

Taunggyi Update – We had a wonderful back and forth conversation with TV, radio and print journalists.

I shared about God’s love through Jesus with leaders from Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism and Christianity. – Taunggyi, Myanmar

Taunggyi – I’m so fortunate to meet interesting people in my line of work. On my left is a Muslim gynecologist and on my right is a Buddhist lawyer and his wife. They told me how much they enjoyed my message of God’s love in Jesus.

It’s so wonderful to share the Gospel outside the four walls of the church. Pictured here are representatives from almost all the major world religions. Hearts were opened to hear about Jesus Christ.

The Gospel Revolution Seminar is underway in Taunggyi, Myanmar. Hundreds of pastors and church leaders are being equipped for ministry. Thank you partners for making this possible!

In spite of only 10 degrees Celsius there was a huge crowd. The people here in Taunggyi are precious. Huge response to receive new life in Christ. So many Buddhist and Muslim friends received healing. One man, paralyzed for 5 years, had waited since early morning on the field. Tonight he was walking and running like a young man.

Crowd photo from opening night in Taunggyi, Myanmar.

Buses come packed with people to attend the festival.

Woman looks with amazement at her hands as a tumor on her hand has disappeared.

Suffered dangerous accident, falling from a train, 8 years ago. Now healed!

From the Lisu tribe, healed though she did not understand one word of the sermon in the Burmese language.

Father (deaf for 30 years) and son (deaf for 20 years) both healed.

Many deaf ears opened!

Huge response to God’s love as thousands turned from dead works to receive the gift of God’s salvation. The people here in Taunggyi are very receptive to our message. So many Buddhist and Muslim friends were healed.

Joyous man just received his hearing.

First healing of the second night. Healed of blindness.

Father brought his daughter who suffered from an eye impairment for many years, wanting her to be healed, and it happened.

Crowd photos from the second night in Taunggyi, Myanmar.

This man, paralyzed from a stroke 5 years ago, was brought to the field early in the morning and waited all day for the service to begin. He had not been able to walk or even stand without aid. After he received his healing, he was running and jumping like a young man. Notice his warm clothing as the temperature dropped to around 10 degrees Celcius in the evening. Even this did not deter the people’s enthusiasm.

Many Muslims in attendance.

Excitedly telling the people how she used to have to wear these dark glasses to protect her eyes.

10 years not able to see.

Large tumor removed!

Buddhist man healed in his legs!

Deaf for 15 years and now hears!

Crowd photos from the third night in Taunggyi, Myanmar.

He had a football injury in his youth.

After a stroke, he had lost the ability to speak – now speaks!

Healed of deafness!

Crowd photos from the fourth night in Taunggyi, Myanmar.

The Governor of Shan State opened the closing night.

This Buddhist woman had a growth for 40 years in her side and also a damaged back.

Young Buddhist lady testifies of healing in her hip – notice that many people have hats as temperature here was cold.

A boy healed of blindness.

Growth on neck for 15 years.

Mother points out where the growth was on the girl’s neck – now gone

Never heard before in life.

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